Learning experience
When Alex was home for Fourth of July weekend, we took him to his favorite restaurant (Me, Vlad, Lana, John). Alex used to go to this restaurant, Patrenella's, with his high school friend who is a Patrenella, and always had great food. Anyway, John had a flat in the parking lot and this is how the night ended. We all thought it was funny, well, except for Lana.
We learned a few things that night:
-- When you go to a nice restaurant with the son of one of the owners, you're likely going to get great food and whatever you want. When you go without him and nobody knows who you are, you probably will be disappointed.
-- When you ask your son to change from his jeans and Senor Frog's T-shirt to his Polo slacks and Calvin Klein shirt, you're just asking for trouble.
-- Don't buy emergency road service packages from the dealership. Especially from Don McGill Toyota on the Katy Freeway.